Specialities Available
Nikki Redecker, MA, LPC offers in-person sessions at her O’Fallon office and virtual sessions. An individuals therapist, couples/marriage therapist, and parent/co-parent therapist who helps to find balance and peace. Choose what you need for you. There are an array of options to customize to your needs.
Individual Session-
$125- 50 min session
$187- 90 min session
This session is all about you. Are you overwhelmed, experiencing high anxiety, high functioning anxiety ,depression, or confusion with a change in path of life? Lets discover who you are, what you need, and how to get there. Lets hold space for you to experience these feelings. Lets practice skills to help reduce symptoms, discover what is causing the symptoms and find a way back to balanced. I use a whole person approach that is tailored to you with somatic work, emotionally focused therapy, inner child work, solution focused therapy to meet you where you are and with what you need. Lets met you right were you are. Grab a blanket, a drink, and lets get started.
$150- 50 min session —Now offering a Pre-Marital Package consisting of one 90 min intake and assessment session, (6) 50 min sessions, plus 6 quick weekly phone call check-ins. A total of 7 Sessions plus weekly check ins for $899 (a savings of $250!)
You are having the same fight over and over without any results, its getting escalated quickly, you wonder if this is ever going to get any better, you don’t feel heard and are getting more frustrated by the day. Using Gottman’s Approach and Emotionally Focused Therapy, lets slow this down. Lets find ways to communicate compassionately, hold space for the both of you, and dig deep to determine what is the real issue. You will gain a much better understanding of yourself and each other. This is all done in a comfortable, non-judgmental, safe environment.
Intensive Therapy Sessions
$375-Individual-2.5 hour session
$450 Couples Marathon Couples session- 2.5 hours
You don’t have time for weekly sessions, you don’t feel like you have the time for the start and stop of the typical sessions, you just need space to be held for you now without waiting in-between sessions. These are customized for you. Grab your drinks, snack, and a comfy spot on the couch and lets dive in for an uninterrupted 2.5 hour session.
Teen Anxiety Counseling
$125- 50 min session
$187- 90 min session
This time of your life is freaking hard! All of the transitions you are going through with moving from one to school then another, trying to find your people, the pressure of grades and even add on extra curriculars, parents placing rules and expectations, school and friend drama, it gets real heavy real fast. Here I offer the time to unwind ,grab a blanket, a drink, and lets get started. Bring who you are without judgement, lets unravel all of what is going on and make sense of it. Lets find ways to reduce the drama, reduce the anxiety and stress, and find calmness again.
$150- 50 min session
When you dreamt of finding a partner and creating a family it didn’t quite look like this did it… the constant bickering from the kids, the crying, the sense of being purely overwhelmed, at each others throats, yelling at the kids and having guilt about doing it.
Maybe even trying to balance the kids between two homes and how we can do this and it be successful. Feel like you cant rely anything without the other parent rejecting it. I hear ya! Its frustrating but the child is the one who needs you to make this work.
Lets get together in a comfortable, non-judgmental, safe environment to find a middle ground. Express our feelings of what we feel is the best for our child but give room for the others perspective. Gain some insight from a counselor who grew up in a separated family but who has raised five kids with the same man for 20 years.
Mom time for herself Session
$125-50 min session
$187-90 min session
You are purely exhausted, frustrated by the kids, agitated by your spouse, its seems like everyone needs something from you. You want to be everything for everyone but dang it is hard. This leads to burn out, anxiety, depression, and feelings of guilt.
Everyone needs mom but who supports mom? Me, that’s who. Lets hold space for all of the things you balance. All of the things you are trying to do. Lets find time for self care!! Using Somatic Technique lets take back our nervous system so that we can show up how we want for our family.
I partner with a massage therapist so maybe even schedule a therapy session backed by a massage! You need to be taken care of and held accountable for keeping up on you.